Tag listings

Tag is a new method to sort and search for records, its function covers that of flag, folder and remark. A listing could be marked with multiple tags at the same time. At present, Profiles, Listings and eBay messages pages all support tag function. The operations are similar, and this page would take an example with Listings page. Moreover, listing tags can also be used to link promotions, please refer promotion help page for more details.

Ⅰ. Add tags

Step 1: Click [Listing] > [Live] > [Edit Tag] icon;

Step 2: Click [Add] > Input tag name (within 16 characters, no special characters) > [Save].

Note: You can edit or remove tag here. Tags with linked listing cannot be deleted. Please remove all linked records first and delete tags afterwards.

Ⅱ. Mark tags

Step 1: Select the desired record(s) > Click [Tag];

Step 2: Select the tag > Click [Add].

Note:This action would NOT remove existing tag(s) of selected records, thus the records in multiple tags may overlap.

Ⅲ. Replace tags

Step 1: Select the desired record(s) > Click [Tag];

Step 2: Select the tag > Click [Replace].

Note:This action would NOT remove existing tag(s) of selected records, thus the records in multiple tags may overlap.You can click [Remove] in step 2 or click the delete tag icon [x] on the right of the listing list to remove tags from listings.


Article Number: 1343
Author: Mon, Jun 15, 2020
Last Updated: Wed, Sep 1, 2021

Online URL: https://kb.pushauction.com/article.php?id=1343