Listings overview

Listing means a publishing on eBay site issued by eBay sellers showing seller's dealing intention which allows buyers to view item info and offer purchase requests.

Ⅰ. The features of Listing
1. At present, there're two ways to publish listings through PushAuction, that's, publish through profiles and publish through migrations.
    Publish through profiles: Create a profiles (draft) for publication;
    Publish through migrations: Publish new listings on the basis of existing live listings.
2. Support updating in bulk;
3. Support auto refill and relist;
4. Support out of stock control (OoSC);
5. Support saving listings as profiles;
6. Support applying promotions;
7. Support ending listings early.

Ⅱ. The status of listing
1. Live: The listing is online, not ending;
2. Sold: The listing has been removed and has sales records;
3. Unsold: The listing has been removed but without sales records.
4. eBay on hold: The listing that has been suspended by eBay due to policy violations; you can ask eBay know the specific reason if needed;
5. Recommendation: Some suggestions from eBay to improve the listing (Sync with [eBay Notes] in eBay Backend).


Article Number: 1512
Author: Mon, Jul 6, 2020
Last Updated: Wed, Feb 28, 2024

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