eBay account setting

Step 1: Click [Setting] > [Account management] > [eBay accounts] > [Setting];

Step 2:

1) Input eBay account abbreviation ID as needed (within 10 characters);
2) Set promotion preference as needed (ticked by default);
3) Enable OoSC as needed;
4) Set address preference as needed;
5)Enable business policy.

Step 3: Click [Save].


Q1. What would happen if I tick [Auto enable top promotion] and [Auto enable bottom promotion]?
A1. When creating new profiles, system would use the default promotion automatically: PA_Ending_Soonest applied as top promotion, and PA_Newly_Listed as bottom promotion;
When editing live listing and no promotion selected, system would use the default promotion automatically: PA_Ending_Soonest applied as top promotion, and PA_Newly_Listed as bottom promotion.
If not ticked, there are no default value for top promotion and bottom promotion.