Upload and modify or add GPSR information via Excel

This tutorial will guide you on how to upload and modify or add GPSR information via Excel.
1.Upload GPSR-related information using Excel

Fill in the GPSR information truthfully according to the column descriptions below. For the country/region field, please enter the two-letter country/region code.
In the example above, eBayItemID: 10000001 and 10000002 have a blank row between them, which means the EU Responsible Person (highlighted in the orange box) listed in rows 2 and 3 belongs to eBayItemID 10000001.
For multiple eBay regulatory documents, product safety warning labels, and product safety declarations, please separate them with commas (as shown in the example below).

2.Download GPSR information
When downloading, select the "GPSR" column. Please avoid selecting too many columns at once to make it easier to modify, and only select the necessary columns to prevent having too many columns in the table.

The column descriptions for GPSR-related Excel fields are as follows:
Regulatory_ResponsiblePersonCompanyName EU Responsible person - Contact person Regulatory_ResponsiblePersonCountry EU Responsible person - Country or region
Regulatory_ResponsiblePersonCityName EU Responsible person - City Regulatory_ResponsiblePersonStateOrProvince EU Responsible person - Province
Regulatory_ResponsiblePersonStreet1 EU Responsible person - Street 1 Regulatory_ResponsiblePersonStreet2 EU Responsible person - Street 2
Regulatory_ResponsiblePersonPostalCode EU Responsible person - Post code Regulatory_ResponsiblePersonEmail EU Responsible person - Email
Regulatory_ResponsiblePersonPhone EU Responsible person - Tel    
Regulatory_ManufacturerCompanyName Product manufacturer - Contact person Regulatory_ManufacturerCountry Product manufacturer - Country or region
Regulatory_ManufacturerCityName Product manufacturer - City Regulatory_ManufacturerStateOrProvince Product manufacturer - Province
Regulatory_ManufacturerStreet1 Product manufacturer - Street 1 Regulatory_ManufacturerStreet2 Product manufacturer - Street 2
Regulatory_ManufacturerPostalCode Product manufacturer - Post code Regulatory_ManufacturerEmail Product manufacturer - Email
Regulatory_ManufacturerPhone Product manufacturer - Tel    
Regulatory_ProductSafetyPictograms Product safety Pictograms Regulatory_ProductSafetyStatements Product safety Statements
Regulatory_ProductSafetyComponent Product safety Additional information Regulatory_DocumentID Regulatory document IDs
Product safety Pictograms available values and corresponding descriptions: Note: The available values are time-sensitive. Please refer to the actual data downloaded for the most accurate information.
Available values Pictograms Descriptions
EBPSP101 Not suitable for young children
EBPSP201 CE marking
Product safety Statements available values and corresponding descriptions: Note: The available values are time-sensitive. Please refer to the actual data downloaded for the most accurate information.
Available values Descriptions
EBPSS101 Not suitable for children under 3 years old.
EBPSS102 Warning: Please keep out of reach of children.
EBPSS103 Warning: Product contains a button or coin battery.
EBPSS104 To be used under the direct supervision of an adult.
EBPSS105 Warning: Use with equipment protection. Do not use on public roads.
EBPSS107 Toy inside. Adult supervision recommended.
EBPSS108 To prevent possible injury from entanglement, remove this toy when the child begins crawling.
EBPSS109 Only use in water where the child can stand and is supervised by an adult.
EBPSS111 This toy does not provide protection.
EBPSS112 Contains fragrances that may cause allergies.
EBPSS113 Only for domestic use.