Listing upgrades

Ⅰ. Add listing upgrades

Step 1: Click [Listings] > [listing upgrades];

Step 2: Click [Add] on the top-right;

Step 3: Enter the element name > Select site > Tick the desired feature(s) > Click [Save].

Note: The real listing upgrade fees may vary from eBay sites and accounts, and eBay promotions may also lead to fee changes. The system fee reminder is for your reference only, please refer to eBay for more current details.

Ⅱ. Delete listing upgrades

Steps: Single delete: Click [Delete] on the right side of a single record;
            Bulk delete: Tick multiple records > Click [Delete] on the top left.

Note: There’s no Recycle bin in this page, and the record(s) cannot be restored once deleted.