Shipping options

Ⅰ. Add shipping options

Step 1: Click [Listings] > [shipping options];

Step 2: Click [Add] on the top-right;;

Step 3: Enter the element name > Select eBay account, site, domestic shipping and international shipping type (Must be filled) > Set domestic shipping details (this is mandatory with one shipping carrier provided at least) > Set international shipping details (Optional) > Set a new exclusion list or select > Click [Save].

1. Domestic shipping means delivery to the site country. If you only sell to the site country, there is no need to set up international transportation.
2. The exclusion list field that [Use my eBay shipping exclusion list] means you set up the exclusion list in the eBay. If you don’t want to exclude any buyers, please select [Do not exclude any shipping locations].
3. Whether the setting of exclusion list is effective, it is necessary to set up international shipping first.
4. To select eBay rate table, please click here eBay rate table.

Ⅱ. Delete shipping options

Steps: Single delete: Click [Delete] on the right side of a single record;
            Bulk delete: Tick multiple records > Click [Delete] on the top left.

Note: There’s no Recycle bin in this page, and the record(s) cannot be restored once deleted.