Profiles overview

Ⅰ. Profile feature

Profile is mainly used as archive and draft.
Profile is an archive of listing info, then you can manage live listing through profile; Profile also can be seen as a draft, and you can create profile before publish listing in the system.

Ⅱ. Profile status

With live listings: profiles with linked live listings

No live listings: profiles with no linked live listings

Scheduled: profiles with linked awaiting-upload queues

Unscheduled: profiles that have been checked eBay fees with certain fees returned successfully, but have no linked awaiting-upload queues

Invalid: profiles that have not been checked eBay fee or failed to check


1. The items listed or relisted from other places instead of PushAuction are not counted in [With live listings] and [No live listings], unless link profile by manual.
2. Invalid profiles are not available in schedule rules. Please check eBay fees in advance also with certain fees returned successfully.
3. One profile can only be added into one schedule rule at the same time, and it cannot be used in other schedule rules. You can remove it from the old and add to the new schedule rule if necessary.

Q1. Why is the Live QTY displayed in the profile page inaccurate?
A1. The items listed or relisted from other places instead of PushAuction are not counted in [With live listings] and [No live listings], unless link profile by manual.

Q2. Why is the QTY of profile in [With live listings] and [No live listings] different from the actual listings?
A2. The items listed or relisted from other places instead of PushAuction are not counted in [With live listings] and [No live listings], unless link profile by manual.