Add eBay accounts

Step 1:Click [Setting] > [Account management] > [eBay account] > [Add];

Step 2:Input [eBay account] > [Authorize].

When authorization complete, your eBay account would be displayed in the eBay account list. System would synchronize your live listings within 24 hours and you can also go to [Listing] > [Live] page to sync with eBay manually.


Token is the safe liaison medium granted by eBay towards 3rd parties as the unique credential. Each eBay account has an exclusive eBay token. The token acquired through authorization acts as the bridge linking eBay and PushAuction which accredits PushAuction to manage eBay business on your behalf. Please bear in mind that PushAuction would never ask for your eBay passwords. When your eBay account token expires, you would be unable to make operations related until you've reconfirmed the authorization through [Update token]. Nevertheless, you can update it in advance if necessary.