Exclusion list

Exclusion list is a sub element under shipping option which allows you to exclude entire regions or specific countries you do not wish to ship. Once you've added a exclusion list, you can load it into a shipping option to create a composite element, or load it as an independent element in profiles.

Ⅰ. Add exclusion list

Step 1: Click [Listings] > [Exclusion list];

Step 2: Click [Add] on the top-right;

Step 3: Enter the element name > Select site > Click [Edit exclusion list];

Step 4: Tick the regions or countries to exclude > Click [OK];

Step 5: Click [Save].

Ⅱ. Delete exclusion list

Steps: Single delete: Click [Delete] on the right side of a single record;
            Bulk delete: Tick multiple records > Click [Delete] on the top left.

Note: There’s no Recycle bin in this page, and the record(s) cannot be restored once deleted.